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J26 The world's standards are don't offend them!

Titus 2:1-10: "[behave] that the word of God not be discredited."

Augustine (1) "... our reputation among you ought not to be tarnished but influential for good. There are two things, conscience and reputation; conscience for yourself, reputation for your neighbor. 'Show yourself to all around you as an example of good works.'"

Have you ever been troubled about Paul's apparent acceptance of slavery and of a subordinate position for women in society? Augustine here touches on the need for Christians not to offend the standards of virtue prevailing in their culture. That which the watching world considers unseemly, or disreputable, should be avoided by believers so as not to discredit the church.

Be aware that in Greece, even in its Golden Age, women were not even allowed out of the house without a male chaperone. Likewise in Rome. Going shopping? Take a male slave with you, or your reputation will suffer. And about half of the population were slaves. A Roman man had legal authority to kill his slaves or his children. A Roman widow was under the authority of the next male in her family -- even if it were her child. Theirs was a culture that we find primitive and cruel -- indeed it was. But the spread of Christianity changed that.

Paul, and Augustine, merely point out that if you wish to attract your neighbor to Christ, firstly do not offend his own standards of comportment.

Elsewhere Paul is explicit that within the Kingdom of Heaven 'there is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.' (2).

We grew up believing that 'all men [and women] were created equal.' The ancient world, as yet unchanged by the Spirit, had no such belief. Except, of course, within the Kingdom.

My prayer today: Oh God, let it never be, that I so offend my neighbor that he attribute mis-conduct to the church universal. Help me discern the path which offends neither my citizenship in Heaven, nor my citizenship in the world. But always faithful to You, my creator and Lord.

(1) "Sermons 355.1," IVP Ancient Christian Commentary of Scripture, NT vol ix, Gordray, Ed

(2) Galatians 3:28

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